
Colloblast (2009)
Clout (2004)
Exit Route (2006)
Fallout (2004)
April 2016
Greetings from the fausty environs of LSBHQ. Nowadays we hobble, spent, through these corridors, once teeming with the buzz of international fame and reverberating with both the thrum of concussive riffage and the giddy cries of youthful innocence. Whilst the desks, shelves, coffee machines and motivational posters now lie caked in dust, we note that despite this, the corroded sign on the door still reads "OPENE FOR YE BUSINESSE".
The 27th March saw the 10th anniversary of the release of Action Potential. We thought that this momentous birthday was reason enough to break radio silence.
You wonder: "Guys! What's shakin'? When, oh when, will the botty-kicking LSB machine rise and reclaim its rightful crown atop the UK's Throne Of Riffs?". Well, as the saying goes, no news is good news and, in this very specific context, have we got some great news for you! No plans at present! You're welcome.
It's not all torpor and inertia here though. In lieu of a full bore return to potential action, we offer to you the gift of new music!
*pause for applause*
*ignore and continue*
Back in 2013 we went into Bink Bonk Studios with Mat Sampson to demo one of a number of new songs that you may have spotted at our temporally distant most recent show. Thanks to all of the usual reasons (life and our inability to get our shit together in the face of it) it never found a home from which to be listened by anyone other than us. Today we remedy this tragedy.
We've set up a Soundcloud page - https://soundcloud.com/left-side-brain - and the song, Idiot Lantern, can be listened to RIGHT NOW.
Happy Action Potential birthday, you lovely people.
We now have an Instagram page - https://www.instagram.com/leftsidebrainband/ - where we occasionally secrete rare pics from the archives.
We still have our entire back catalogue CDs available at comically low prices, so complete your LSB collection both quickly and cheaply - http://leftsidebrain.bigcartel.com/.
The fact that Left Side Brain is currently dormant does not mean that its 4 members are similarly inactive:
- G & Ryan have formed a new band - Super Goliath - who live at https://www.facebook.com/supergoliath/ and have been gigging regularly in Bristol. Their debut album DESTROYER DESTROY DESTROYED was released in February and can be downloaded from https://supergoliath.bandcamp.com/releases.
- Rich has been working on the new Blueneck album.
- Oli has been demoing new songs that can be listened to at his Soundcloud page - https://soundcloud.com/oliduerden. He cyber-lives at www.oliduerden.com
LSB update over. New track released to the ether. What do you think? Like! Share!Comment! Etc.!
Rock hard, rock heavy, rock animal,